
Lu Zhong, Yingxin Yang, Jingling Hu, et al. The Industrial Application of Water Washing Device for Aerosol Condensation in Ultra Low Flue Gas Emission

發(fā)布日期:2019-05-15瀏覽次數(shù): 信息來源: ICAEER 2018

      Abstract. The water washing device for aerosol condensation is added in the pre-cleaning tower of ammonia desulfurization device, and the basic function of the water washing device for aerosol condensation system is through the use of air/mist dual fluid spray system, atomizing the water to produce a large number of droplets, and greatly increasing the contact probability with the fine aerosol in the flue gas, and thus improving the efficiency of desulfurization and dust removal. The industrial application verifies this water washing device for aerosol condensation can effectively control the aerosol pollution from exhausts of ammonia desulphurization, and realize the ultra-low flue gas emission.
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